It’s time to EXHALE!


After 3 long years, I believe it’s time for us to all EXHALE!! And then INHALE anew. 

 For so many people, I believe we’ve just been holding on, waiting to see what’s ahead, and wondering where this world is headed post-2020. I can’t say post-COVID as we all know Covid is still far too prevalent but at least now it has stopped killing people and scaring people. Now, we’ve gotten accustomed to living side-by side with COVID.  

Learning to flow more with the annoyances that seem to have come with Covid-canceled shows, canceled plans, masks at airports, masks anytime you feel too vulnerable, has taught us all to flow with other area of our lives. And to not hold on so tightly to life.  

I know I feel far more flexible post-2020 than ever before.  

It has also taught me and I believe all of us what truly is most important to us.  

What have you discovered since 2020? I’d love to hear!  

Now, the question is, how do we all move forward? My answer is to move slowly, letting the breath lead us. I can imagine some of you shaking our head and saying, “ Ellen, what exactly do you mean by this….letting the breath lead?”  

Most of us, especially in the U.S. think a great deal and lead with our heads rather than our bodies and the wisdom of our hearts. By slowing down and beginning to get in touch with our breath, we begin to feel our bodies and our emotions. And soon with some practice, we build a relationship with our bodies, hearts and emotions and  the wisdom that is held in our body beyond our minds. It will astound you, I promise you. So, to begin this beautiful journey, begin by sitting quietly for 5 minutes a day and just breathe, notice all the sensations that you feel, and just be with your breath. Be with your body. Be with your emotions. And when your 5 minutes is up, jot down your experience and then close your journal and move into your day. Overtime, you will be amazed at what happens in yourself and in your life, simply by allowing your breath to lead you.  

I’d love to hear what you experience! There’s no right or wrong way, there’s just your experience! 

With Love & Light, 


Courtney Harvey