What Altar Are You Sitting At?
I did it….I finally lifted from the fog I have been sitting in and realized, I have been sitting at the wrong altar! I’ve been sitting at the altar of the news machinery….and it’s negativity rather than sitting at the altar of Spirit and Love. What Altar are you sitting at?
For the last few weeks, I have felt a heaviness that is not my norm. Granted, the show I am working on has a great deal of difficult feelings and I attributed my heavy feeling to a bleed through of the show even though I take measures against carrying these feelings all day long. Even though I was telling myself that, I suspected that that was not the whole truth. Do you ever get that feeling? I suspected something else was going on that I was not quite ready to see. Finally, enough uncomfortable tension built up in me and forced me to examine my actions. Before I fell asleep I took stock of my daily actions. When I awoke this morning I announced to myself, “Enough! You do not get to keep reading the news several times of day. It is screwing with you and your energy!” I love how my sleep and my angels had given me the clarity I was longing for!
It is so easy these days to get caught up in the drama as there seems to be no shortage of it but is it really serving you? Yes, I believe it is important to be informed but you can accomplish that by reading the news daily or even every few days. Beyond that, I question whether you and I are being seduced by a jealous lover?
How do you feel after reading the news? Or watching the news? How do you spirits feel? Remember, our first duty to ourselves, is to take good care of ourselves. And for me that includes our emotional selves. If you feel distraught by the news as I have been, then perhaps it is time to create a boundary around how much exposure you will allow yourself to have to it. If you are to make a difference in the world, then you must take excellent care of yourself.
Now, take an inventory: what else in your world may be bringing your spirits down? Are there people in your life who are negative to be around? What about your job, does it bring you joy? What about the food you eat, does it make you feel truly nourished? Are you exercising your body in a way that feels delicious to your body and being?
It is so important to become conscious of the way we choose to live each day. It is your choice who and what you invite into your life. You don’t have to change everything, just choose one area like I did and I promise you, you’ll begin to feel better! Just choose 1 thing to work on this week. Maybe like me, you’ll choose reading or watching less news. Or maybe you’ll begin to walk a few times per week, or drink more water everyday or focus on all that you are grateful for. Whatever you choose, notice how you feel before the new change and then keep a journal and keep an eye on how you feel everyday with the new change in place. And, as always, I’d love to hear what you choose to shift this week! And what you notice!